Videos on EulerGUI
© Jean-Marc Vanel - $Date: 2012-09-24$ - under Creative Commons License
Title: démo cadriciel EulerGUI : mélanger règles métier et règles Java - on YouTube
Video "EulerGUI minimum" on YouTube
from a prefix (foaf, bio, geo, ...) import the corresponding URI via
load the referenced ontology;
show the tree view: visualize ontology via arborescence ( see Launch OWL reasoner )
write an ontology from scratch, using EG editor: creation of FOAF personal profile in N3 :
:me a foaf:Person ; foaf:currentProject <> .
show my real FOAF personal profile in RDF, and N3;
query the ontology: everything having "internet" in its rdfs:label or rdfs:comment :
{ ?X ?P1 ?S . ?S string:contains "internet" . ?X ?P ?O } => {?X ?P ?O }.
; classes C without any property P whose domain is C :
{ ?C a owl:Class . _:d eu:findall ( # a Prolog-like builtin: a query within the rule ?P # variable whoses values we search { ?P rdfs:domain ?C . } # query N3 expression () # list of results; here we enforce an empty list ) . ?C rdfs:label ?L . } => { ?C rdfs:label ?L }.
extending FOAF, or another well known ontology (Vivo, GR ?)
visualize ontologies via D'n'D : FOAF from EG manual, something from keywords from Swoogle
show class tree with tooltips
show mini-application from class tree
consult data sources
power of subproperty
OWL rule to categorize resources
show mini-application from simple class Person + applicative rule : deductions/n3_nojs/person-app.n3p
EG project : person-app.n3p
What is in this demo :
using in real time a forward chaining rule engine and a generic rule set
Forward chaining rule engine :
except that there is a logical language (N3) to specify both what to listen, and what action to take
What the rule base does:
LANG=en egm &
pitivi -i -a eulergui_mini_intro.ogg eulergui_sf_net.png eulergui_sf_net_eg_mini.png eg_minimal.webm-2.ogv eg_minimal.webm-3.ogv &