Development of EulerGUI IDE
If you want to see a log view of the latest changes in source, go to:
or, for most frequent modifications :
In command line you can do something like :
svn log | head -30 svn log --revision '{2009-09-01}:{2009-09-25}' svn log --revision '{2009-09-01}:HEAD'
Yoiu can focus on changes of any file or directory, e.g. here for the documentation:
There is an automatic mailing list for Subversion commits : subscribe here : eulergui-commits .
Watch also here for news and current work:
You must have installed a Java(TM) 2 Development Kit (JDK), Standard Edition version 1.7 or later, from . Of course the Java(TM) 2 Development Kit (JDK) includes a JRE. The tests depend on JDK 1.7, the application only on 1.6 .
On Linux, install these packages: subversion, sun-java7-jdk, maven2, eclipse-jdt, graphviz, vim (vim-x11, vim-gtk, vim-gnome), yap, wget, python, rdflib, hg . For instance on Ubuntu or Debian you can type:
# runtime packages sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre graphviz wget swap-cwm # dev tools: sudo apt-get install subversion subversion-tools openjdk-7-jdk maven2 \ eclipse-jdt vim-gnome jedit yap swi-prolog ia32-libs \ python2.6-dev python-rdflib mercurial \ xserver-xephyr fluxbox
This is in the source in a script named
, that does in fact more .
On Linux, if you don't like to install Sun's Java JDK into your system, you can still download it from, untar it anywhere, set JAVA_HOME variable to this location, and you're all set.
It is now recommended to use Maven 3 (donwload it from Maven site).
To download the latest (trunk) sources from the Subversion repository:
svn co
Maven is used in EulerGUI to build, package and generate eclipse configuration. To install Maven on any platform :
As an example, here is what I have for Maven in .zshrc :
export M2_HOME=$HOME/apps/apache-maven-3.0.3 alias mvn=$M2_HOME/bin/mvn export M2_REPO=$HOME/.m2/repository alias eg="java -Xmx2G -jar $HOME/.m2/repository/eulergui/eulergui/1.9-SNAPSHOT/eulergui-1.9-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar $*" alias protege="( cd $HOME/apps/Protege_4.2; ./ $* )"
Then to build EulerGUI, type in a shell (or in cygwin on Windows)::
cd eulergui/ ; mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -f pom_jar.xml install
This will download all the dependencies, as specified in pom.xml, perform
all tests, build the executable jar, and put in $HOME/.m2/repository/ . If you
are testing several revisions in parallel, you can just do : mvn
; the executable jar will not be put in the local Maven
Then you can start EulerGUI:
mvn exec:java
which is equivalent to run the jar:
java -jar target/eulergui-1.10-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
At any later time, to get the latest changes, type:
svn update
and re-build.
As an alternative to running Subversion and then Maven, there is an all-in-one command to download the POM from the Web, create a local project directory, download the sources, and build , all in one step:
mvn scm:bootstrap -DconnectionUrl=scm:svn: -Dgoals=install -Dmaven.test.skip=true mv null/target/checkout/ eulergui/ ; rmdir null/target/ ; rmdir null
This way you avoid to install Subversion; Maven takes care of all.
Then afterwards, either you install Subversion for getting the latest changes, or you can use the equivalent Maven command:
mvn scm:update
Anyway, given the standard Maven Build Lifecycle, running any of the targets compile, test, package, or install will first run scm:update .
Convenient scripts
is a script for building EulerGUI without tests,
assuming that all Maven plugins and projects depedencies are already
% cat ~/bin/eulergui java -jar $HOME/.m2/repository/eulergui/eulergui/1.10-SNAPSHOT/eulergui-1.10-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar $* % cat ~/bin/eye java -classpath $HOME/src/eulersharp/2004/01swap/bin/Euler.jar euler.Eye "$@" % cat /home/jmv/bin/protege ( cd ~/apps/Protege_4 ; ./ $* & ) % % cat ~/bin/n3shell java -Xmx2G -cp $HOME/.m2/repository/eulergui/eulergui/1.10-SNAPSHOT/eulergui-1.10-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \ deductions.runtime.BasicRuntimeShell $*
It's probably even better to use an alias on Unix :
alias eg="java -jar $HOME/.m2/repository/eulergui/eulergui/1.9-SNAPSHOT/eulergui-1.9-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar"
Getting the classpath
In case you need the classpath for a script or another tool, here is the incantation to show the classpath :
mvn dependency:build-classpath
But that does only output dependencies; to get the full classpath , one needs to add manually the path for EulerGUI itself , e.g. :
Rarely if you have tests not passing, you should do:
mvn clean
If you want informations about a specific Maven goal, e.g. install, use the
goal help:describe
mvn -Dplugin=install help:describe
Maven's Frequently Asked Technical Questions
EulerGUI minimal has another main class , ProjectGUIMinimal extending the the full EulerGUI one, ProjectGUI.
# need to have all the EulerGUI classes, even if they are not used: mvn clean compile mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -f pom_minimal.xml install
now in $HOME/.m2/repository/eulergui/eulergui_minimal/1.11-SNAPSHOT/NOTE: there is currently no special tests for EulerGUI minimal, but since all the difference is in removing buttons in EulerGUI minimal, if the tests pass for full EulerGUI, then the Unit and functionnal tests for EulerGUI minimal are covered .
See also a more detailed How To install with cygwin (also in french ) .
This has been tested on a machine running Windows 7, with latest JDK 1.6_25 .
There were installed: JDK, Maven 3.0.3, Subversion, Cygwin (facultative).
Then I ran this with the Cygwin shell:
svn co eulergui export PATH=~/apps/apache-maven-3.0.3/bin:$PATH export JAVA_HOME="C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_25" export M2_HOME=C:/cygwin/home/Daphné/apps/apache-maven-3.0.3 cd eulergui mvn install -f pom_jar.xml
According to , it is necessary to create this file :
with (at least) this content:
<svn-settings> <configDirectory>C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Subversion</configDirectory> </svn-settings>
I installed Subversion from , hence the above configDirectory. Creating svn-settings.xml was not necessary with SlikSvn's distribution of Subversion. It may also work with Cygwin's svn command.
If you don't create this file, you can run svn commands directly from the cmd or Cygwin shell, but with Maven you get this message, ugly and hard to trace in internet :
svn: Can't determine the user's config path
To pave the way for Scala Maven build in the other directory ../eulerscala, pom.xml is now a parent POM, and pom_jar.xml inherents from pom.xml .
pom_jar.xml must be used to actually build the current ( full Java ) EulerGUI .
This also paves the way for splitting EulerGUI into several Maven projects:
eulergui_core -> eulergui_api -> eulergui eulergui_core -> eulergui_eye -> eulergui_minimal -> eulergui
The Scala+Java build is in this depot :
Currently (2012-11-06) there is a copy of an old EulerGUI code base, but it builds and runs.
There will be a new pom.xml that inherits from eulergui project's pom.xml , and the duplicate code will be removed.
Also pom_minimal.xml for eulergui_minimal will inherit from eulergui project's pom.xml, with exclusions for Drools, etc .
When we will switch to Scala build, the above depot trunk/eulerscala will be abandonned, and depot trunk/eulergui will hold the Scala build, plus the sub-projects listed above.
You need to complete "Building from sources" above first.
To create the eclipse configuration for the project eulergui:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Declipse.downloadSources=true
is for downloading sources of the projects
EulerGUI depends on. Then before creating a new eclipse project based on the
eulergui directory, run this:
mvn -Declipse.workspace=/path/to/my/eclipse/workspace eclipse:configure-workspace
On Linux or cygwin just paste this:
mvn -Declipse.workspace=$HOME/workspace eclipse:configure-workspace
This will create in eclipse the M2_REPO classpath variable, with the value:
Where <HOME_DIRECTORY> stands for your home directory.
In eclipse Preferences, in "Installed JRE's", add the Sun Java 6 JRE (Java Runtime Environment); in Linux Ubuntu it is here:
and check it it as the default one.
Then you can create a new eclipse project based on the eulergui/ directory that you downloaded and where you made the mvn commands.
You may have a problem with parser4j, because the jar gotten from Maven may be outdated with respect to the latest sources in EulerGUI. In this case, download the parser4j sources:
svn co parser4j
create an eclipse project in trunk/parser4j/
from the
downloaded sources, make eulergui project dependent from parser4j , and remove
M2_REPO/**/parser*.jar from the libraries of project eulergui .
svn co svn co hg clone fuxi
To display the dependency tree with Maven :
mvn dependency:tree
There is an utility telling when some dependencies are updatable, that is, they have newer versions available : display-dependency-updates-mojo .
Just type :
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
And there is a similar stuff for Maven plugins :
mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
The issue here is that not all EulerGUI dependencies are on Maven central repository. So we do thse projects' job of publishing their stuff the Maven way.
As specified in pom.xml
, the Maven repositry for EulerGUI on
Sourceforge is here:
This file has to be created, otherwise your uploads will be rejected (see
below) : $HOME/.m2/settings.xml
If one wants to add jars to EulerGUI, one should first look in the Maven central repository if it is there :
and then add an entry in pom.xml .
In the recipes below, it is also possible to try something locally without uploading on the remote repository. To do this, use this argument:
Do this to upload on the EulerGUI Maven repository on Sourceforge the latest .jar from the Parser4J Sourceforge project:
cd ${HOME}/src/ svn co \ parser4j cd parser4j # create an eclipse project from the parser4j directory; this will compile all ant -f buildjar.xml VERSION=trunk mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=s \ \ -Dfile=${HOME}/src/parser4j/trunk/parser4j/dist/${VERSION}/all/parser4j-all-${VERSION}.jar \ -DgroupId=parser4j \ -DartifactId=all \ -Dversion=${VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar
CAUTION, do not forget to change the version string in the pom.xml for Parser4J.
We also did this for Grappa and Gloze, whose jar was not in any public Maven repository. For example with Gloze :
ln -s ~/apps/Jena-2.6.0/ ~/src/Jena-2.5.7 cd ~/src/Gloze-1.01-beta2/ ant -lib /home/jmv/apps/ant-doxygen-src-1.6.1/lib/ant_doxygen.jar jar VERSION=1.01-beta2 mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=s \ \ -Dfile=${HOME}/src/Gloze-${VERSION}/lib/gloze.jar \ -DgroupId=com.hp.hpl.jena \ -DartifactId=Gloze \ -Dversion=${VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar
and for Grappa:
VERSION=1.2 mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=s \ \ -Dfile=${HOME}/apps/grappa-1.2.jar \ -DgroupId=att \ -DartifactId=grappa \ -Dversion=${VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar
For eclipse stuff, the jars available on Maven Central depot were outdated. So we did this:
ECLIPSE_HOME=$HOME/apps/eclipse groupId=org.eclipse.emf; artifactId=ecore; VERSION=2.4.2.v200902171115 mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=s \ \ -Dfile=${ECLIPSE_HOME}/plugins/${groupId}.${artifactId}_${VERSION}.jar \ -DgroupId=${groupId} \ -DartifactId=${artifactId} \ -Dversion=${VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar groupId=org.eclipse.emf.ecore; artifactId=xmi; VERSION=2.4.1.v200902171115 # mvn deploy ... groupId=org.eclipse.emf; artifactId=common; VERSION=2.4.0.v200902171115 groupId=org.eclipse.uml2; artifactId=common; VERSION=1.4.0.v200805131030 groupId=org.eclipse.uml2; artifactId=uml; VERSION=2.2.2.v200811051031
OWL API (including Turtle writer) ; now on on a Maven depot :) :
VERSION=3.1.0 JAR=${HOME}/src/owlapi-${VERSION}/owlapi-bin.jar echo "deploy local file $JAR , possibly overriding $VERSION" mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=s \ \ -Dfile=${JAR} \ -DgroupId=net.sourceforge.owlapi \ -DartifactId=owlapi \ -Dversion=${VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar
JAR=${HOME}/src/jEdit-4.3.1-modifs/jedit-4.3.1.jar echo "deploy local file $JAR" mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=s \ \ -Dfile=${JAR} \ -DgroupId=org.jedit \ -DartifactId=jedit \ -Dversion=4.3.1 -Dpackaging=jar
If you want to use the latest Euler in a Maven build, you can update (override) in the local depot the current version with the latest Euler jar:
EULER_VERSION=2010-08-13 EULER_JAR=${HOME}/src/eulersharp/2004/01swap/bin/Euler.jar echo "deploy locally file $EULER_JAR , overriding $EULER_VERSION" mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=file:${HOME}/.m2/repository/ \ -Dfile=${EULER_JAR} \ -DgroupId=euler \ -DartifactId=euler \ -Dversion=${EULER_VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar
NxParser ( N-Triples parser )
JAR=${HOME}/src/nxparser-read-only/dist/nxparser-1.2.1.jar echo "deploy local file $JAR" mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=s \ \ -Dfile=${JAR} \ -DgroupId=org.semanticweb.yars.nx.parser \ -DartifactId=NxParser \ -Dversion=1.2.1 -Dpackaging=jar
The repository Id refers to the following content in
(and also to an entry in pom.xml) . This
file has to be created, otherwise your uploads will be rejected.
<server> <!-- for the Maven depot -->
<server> <!-- for site:deploy -->
On Windows, this file is to be created :
C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\.m2\settings.xml
This allows to completely automatize the upload.
The same settings are used to deploy EulerGUI itself :
mvn deploy
Some background readings:
The shell variable REL
stands for the release
number, for example 1.10 .
First, instead of making a release, you can Upload a snapshot (your
should be OK, see above) .
./ DISPLAY=:1 LANG=en mvn -f pom_jar.xml release:prepare
It should ask you the release number; if not do :
DISPLAY=:1 mvn release:prepare -f pom_jar.xml -Dresume=false
Note that running release:prepare
again will pick up from
where the last one left off.
After running release:prepare
, you can see the new tag on
the repository:
Further facultative advice:
mvn release:prepare -f pom_jar.xml -DdryRun=true
mvn -f pom_jar.xml scm:validate
ROOT= svn copy $ROOT/trunk/eulergui \ $ROOT/tags/eulergui-${REL} \ -m "Creating a tag for release ${REL}"
During the release:prepare stage, Maven manipulates versions tags in pom.xml and commits the copy of the sources in the tags/ directory in the Subversion repository.
ssh -t jmvanel, create
DISPLAY=:1 LANG=en mvn -f pom_jar.xml release:perform
The release:perform stage uploads the files on the EulerGUI Maven depot on, and then creates and deploys the EulerGUI web site generated by Maven.
mvn release:clean DISPLAY=:1 LANG=en mvn -X release:perform -f pom_jar.xml \ -DconnectionUrl=scm:svn:${REL}/eulergui/
mvn site -f pom_jar.xml mvn site:deploy -f pom_jar.xml
It fails when a SourceForge shell is not active through :
ssh -t 'jmvanel,' create
where * stands for the sub-release number (IMPORTANT: wait till the end of the upload before clicking anything in the SF.NET page)
and re-login.
MVN=/home/project-web/eulergui/htdocs/maven2/eulergui/eulergui/$REL RELDIR=/home/frs/project/e/eu/eulergui/eulergui/$REL mkdir $RELDIR cp $MVN/*-jar-with-dependencies.jar $RELDIR
add target architectures (Linux, Windows, Mac); otherwise the file will not show in the main page.
Finally, the generated Maven Web site (for humans) is here :
In another shell:
ssh -t jmvanel, create
then :
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true deploy
There is a script doing all this:
IMPORTANT: we care about tests, and for the Subversion trunk the test suite should always pass at any time.
You must have installed a Java(TM) 2 Development Kit (JDK), Standard Edition version 1.7 or later, from . Of course the Java(TM) 2 Development Kit (JDK) includes a JRE. The tests depend on JDK 1.7, the application only on 1.6 .
To run the tests through Maven, that collects all JUnit tests, type :
LANG=en mvn test
or, for an HTMl report in target/site/surefire-report.html
LANG=en mvn surefire-report:report
All these tests should pass at any time. If you want to add a test before
implementing or fixing a bug (which is a good thing !), please name it
; so it will not be run by JUnit, but still be
recorded in the code SCM.
During development, you may run a single test class repeatedly. To run this through Maven, set the test property to a specific test case, e.g.:
LANG=en mvn -Dtest=n3_project.TestReasonning --errors test
Due to internationalization, we need to set the language to English for the tests. On windows it is:
set lang=en mvn test
Locating a bug with svn-bisect
svn-bisect does dichotomic search of a bug.
Here is an example of a real session :
sudo apt-get install subversion-tools
svn update -r 3077
# this succeeds:
DISPLAY=:1 LANG=en mvn --offline -Dtest=BasicRuntimeTest test
# then one can intialize bisect:
svn-bisect start 3077 3129
svn-bisect run 'DISPLAY=:1 LANG=en mvn --offline -Dtest=BasicRuntimeTest test'...
Regression found!
Last good revision: r3124
First bad revision:
r3125 | jmvanel | 2012-06-25 22:57:51 +0200 (lun. 25 juin 2012) | 4 lignes
- Drools/N3 engine: now static method calls work outside of rules
- examples/table_app.n3p now works
TODO: now BasicRuntimeTest.testJavaMappingConsequentNewVariable() fails
svn-bisect reset
rm -rf $HOME/.eulergui/rule_bases_cache/application/*
LANG=en mvn clean test
If you're in a hurry, type this, which will avoid searching for Maven plugin updates, and reading from the Internet all the POM for project dependencies :
LANG=en mvn --no-plugin-updates --offline test
We can now bypass the Parser4J tests, since the Parser4J N3 parser in EulerGUI is quite stable now. To bypass Parser4J tests, just run the tests like this:
LANG=en mvn -DPARSER4J_TESTS=no test
Of course, you can combine both:
LANG=en mvn -DPARSER4J_TESTS=no \ --no-plugin-updates --offline test
And if you're in a BIG hurry (but that's not recommended) you can skip tests with :
We had Abbot GUI tests (Abbot is a framework for testing Java GUI's); but after months of
developments, it was too difficult to update the tests.
So we switched to Jemmy; the tests are written in Java, and added to the JUnit tests. Test inheriting from TestJemmy include the use cases from the Déductions project Manual: generate application from URL sources in N3, OWL, RDFS, UML, and eCore languages. We will add more Jemmy tests in this directory :
To use local versions of the Déductions projects, add this to the Maven command:
Visualize the Swing component tree
To visualize the Swing component tree in all windows, uncomment this line in class DroolsInferenceEngine:
and run Drools inference.
Abbot is also useful to visualize the Swing components tree. The recipe for that is here:
with argument
You would like to deactivate the windows produced by Jemmy altogether. Indeed it is difficult to work on the computer while the tests are running, because the mouse is manipulated.
If you are on Linux, you can start a second X server... Here's the script
used to start the embedded X server Xephyr (thanks to Peter Arrenbrecht) . Note
that you need a window manager for the new X server. Fluxbox is used here,
which is fairly lightweight. You need to pass the environment setting
to tests that should run on this X server. For
LANG=en DISPLAY=:1 mvn test
Here's the script; it is in the Subversion depot as
#! /bin/bash # Xnest -ac :1 -geometry 1280x1024 & Xephyr -ac -screen 1280x1024 -br -reset -terminate :1 & sleep 1s fluxbox -display :1 & echo "Start your apps with DISPLAY=:1 ..."
So, all together, the efficient way to run the tests is :
./ LANG=en DISPLAY=:1 mvn -DPARSER4J_TESTS=no \ --no-plugin-updates --offline test
The last command is actually in the repository as
To debug the Project class, there are several JUnit tests in
To debug the generated GUI, you can use Tools / show Component Tree .
There is a separate how-to page to debug an N3 rules set.
Drools stuff
To see the Java classes generated by the Drools compiler, in class
you can set field
to true; then the Java generated by
Drools will be in directory /tmp/drools
To generate a trace of N3 rule firings by intrumenting the N3 to Drools
translation, set boolean trace_switch_on
in class
DroolsTripleHandler .
To debug insertions, retractions, and updates to the Drools level, use a DebugWorkingMemoryEventListener :
ksession.addEventListener( new DebugWorkingMemoryEventListener() );
To debug a Maven run, or running EulerGUI from the jar, use the "Remote Java debug" in eclipse . Start EulerGUI like this:
java -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000 \ -jar target/eulergui-1.11-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Then create and launch a debug configuration in eclipse, with "Attach socket" activated.