Building Applications with the EulerGUI + Déductions framework
© Jean-Marc Vanel - $Date: 2012-07-30$ - under Creative Commons License
This is a translation and enhancement of the seminal (!) post in french group deductions-fr "Applications exemples".
This document explains how to build business applications with the software framework
Here are some general tips :
Samples applications will be put in a directory samples/ (a Maven sub-project) in EulerGUI working directory.
See Working with controlled (formal) english through ACE View .
First let me quote the commonKADS site :
Knowledge is to be modelled at a conceptual level, in a way independent of specific computational construct.
The steps (using Attempto command line , ACE View (Protégé), or AceWiki ):
The user interaction is based on a simple semantics for user interaction, involving these concepts: CRUD data manipulations (CReate, Update, Remove), plus log, statistics, current tasks, represented by these imperative properties :
For the data manipulations, it's possible to reuse the swing-rules3 rule base (see Rule based Swing applications), with small modification to make it more flexible.
The swing-rules3 rule base gathers all properties that are reachable from an RDF node, taking in account class assertions, domains, ranges , etc. However user interaction needs more flexibility:
For point 1, the trick is to design a class specific for the user interaction, plus rules that interpret the user interaction data and transform it into regular ontolgy data that is stored in the Knowledge Base.
For point 2, we would like to write verification as pure domain rules, like this :
@prefix ded: <> . @prefix : <> . # <> { ?P a :Person . ?P :name "bush" . } => { ?E a ded:Exception ; rdfs:label " is already retired!" ; rdf:subject ?P ; rdf:predicate :name . } . |
Something close to this used to work in the very first version of the framework, where the focus lost listener was implemented 100% in Java.
It is possible to add in the Swing rule base rules to match ded:Exception, retrieve the associated input field widget, and reestablish the former value in the widget and the KB.
For point 3, the current framework with embedded Java objects allows to instatiate any custom widget , add it to relevant panel, and add it as a listener.
Currently, the infered GUI is only partly MVC (Model-View-Controler). The controler is provided by the rule base. However, the Views do not (yet) listen to the Model ( which is, for this framework , the RDF Knowledge Base).
A typical inference flow :
application => main window and panels for data manipulations, log, statistics, current tasks user => create Form From Class ?C => create new RDF ID => create input widget for new RDF ID in data manipulations panel |
The user action to create a Form From Class ?C can be triggered through a specific button or menu entry, whose callback simply asserts the imperative RDF in the KB. Or, for the developer, the imperative RDF can be entered in the N3 shell (N3 command line). Or it can simply be asserted in an N3 source like in the example project person-app.n3p :
# dynamically create platform independant application widgets #------------------------------------------------------------ # create application Window _:APPINST app:hasWindow _:WINDOW . # create a form for a new class instance :FORM gui:createFormFromClass :Person . # add the form in application Window _:WINDOW gui:components :FORM . |
Having set an application window like above, GUI content can be added from pure business conditions , e.g. :
{ <pure business condition> } => { _:label a gengui:Label ; java:text "label added through N3" . :FORM gui:components _:label . } . |
In the example project person-app.n3p , if you type JMV in the "name" input field, this text will be added in the generated GUI : "He's a nice guy." .
See also: N3 rules triggering Java actions .
To know exactly what is implemented and works in Java + N3 mixing, look at the test class BasicRuntimeTest .
Beyond reusing the swing-rules3 rule base, even more flexibility will be gained with Data manipulations ontology (WORK IN PROGRESS).
I propose to model declaratively user interaction with the concept of user transaction. A user transaction is a list of data manipulations.
A data manipulation is an elementary input from the user. There are four kinds of data manipulations for the two kinds of properties as defined in OWL (Properties "object" and properties "datatype"):
A data manipulation is associated with a subject and property in the OWL / RDF sense. Modification and destruction have in addition an object in RDF sense .
For example, adding a statement corresponds to the addition of an identifier article in a commercial order.
A creation of a new RDF identifier is the creation of a new bank account, for later making money transfers with it.
When you create a transaction via a rule, there is every possibility of the N3 language to add additional conditions. For example adding an ID article in a commercial order, we can restrict proposals to categories corresponding to the user's interests, or its past orders.
It remains only to create implementations for the language to user interaction through rules mixing Java and pure business. One can consider several implementations: Swing, GWT, SWT, command, etc..
To begin, one must write this small N3 vocabulary . We'll put it in the
project Deductions in owl/user_interaction.owl.n3
Here is an example of using the app:hasLogEntry predicate . Assume we are in the RHS of a rule (the consequent) . So a variable ?CONTACT, non existent in the left side of the rule (the antecedent) is a creation of a new identifier.
@prefix app: <>. :myApp app:log [ "Ajout d'un nouveau contact"@fr ?CONTACT ]. ?CONTACT a :Contact. |
Here is an example of using the app:hasStatistic predicate:
@prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix e: <> . { _:d e:findall( ?CONTACT { ?CONTACT a :Contact } ?CONTACTS ). ?CONTACTS math:memberCount ?NB_CONTACT. } => { ?S a app:Statistic. ?S rdfs:label "Nombre de contacts: "@fr . ?S app:information ?NB_CONTACT . :myApp app:hasStatistic ?S. }. |
Suppose an ontology like this:
N3 rules are well suited to express commercial or regulation rules, like determining a category, or estimating prices. However, It would not be convenient for complex mathematical computations, for example to express in N3 the computation of the surface of a room.
So these computations would be written in a imperative language, Java for instance. Then there are two implementation questions:
For point 1, we currently have nothing smart implemented, just access to the interface ITripleStoreRETE extending ITripleStore.
To be available to Java methods through the rule base, the triple Store is
added to itself as URI eg:STORAGE
Not only computations can be delegated to to Java, but also GUI's. We have developped GUI Swing components for Semantic Web display and edition: N3TableModel, TripleComboBoxes.
But there are hints that need to be generalised, see Calling user Java code , Extension points with interfaces . Also there several projects for RDF to Java mapping frameworks, see Experience using Java-based frameworks for RDF-to-POJO (and vice versa) mapping, rdf2java, Tripresso .
For point 2, here is the recommended idiom:
# First, assign a Java class to an RDF resource: { ?CC a re:ClosedCurve. } => { ?CC a java:geometry-ClosedCurve . }. # Then, the computation is triggered, and the result goes into the RDF KB: { ?CC a re:ClosedCurve. # facultative ?CC javam:getSurface ?SURFACE. } => { ?CC re:hasSurface ?SURFACE. }. |